Download Aye Pirates
Latest Version
Aye Pirates v 0.95
zip file hash (MD5): 0d868111566600370529dfd1f8083488
If you want instructions for installing and starting the mod click here.
Past Versions
Note: both compressed files are the same; .pyromod is a file compression format used by 0 A.D. but the .zip format works fine too.
Aye Pirates v 0.92
zip file hash (MD5): cb5b74ce52a406a211ed5c2d9c75263d
Aye Pirates v 0.92
pyromod file hash (MD5): 6e657d7969764baed846c8000afd9caa
ayepirates_0.9.pyromod May 2020 (199 Mb)
MD5 hash: e2322eb140dcf6e36a0f88507e86c118
Check the hash of your downloaded file on windows with certutil at the command line